Chasing the Sun

by - April 24, 2020

photo: one of many passenger freeway telephone lines pics

He floated away

One golden dusk
Watching the sunset
Mute the colors
Dreading the night
Afraid of the monsters that emerge
When smoky grays and purples
swallow his world
Choosing to blaze right alongside
The fiery crimson and lemons
Deciding to follow the sun
to the ends of the Earth
So that aquamarines,
periwinkles, royal blues
coraline pinks, and tangerines
emeralds, fresh grass,
Soft lilacs and burnt umber 
Would not become mere shadows
in night's dark cavernous mouth
He collected them all on his palette
Brushes of the breathy white undersides of clouds
And all the different hues of denim that exist

Until he got lost
in the horizon
and its rainbow
a kaleidoscope
of endless shades
chasing ombres of pastel clouds
in the prismic luster of rainbows,
He bent down to his knees and panted
Watching the sun in the distance
Promising himself he'd catch up

He painted himself a reflective glass
filled with the clearest sapphire water
with languid, smooth splashes
gulping down the crystalline sky
And his thirst was quenched.

He then found his head was quite heavy
and painted himself a fluffy cushion
light, quick caresses
Made of lavender unicorn manes
Carnival cotton candy
and angel shaped clouds
And his head was pillowed.

But he got very cold
Shivering in icy cerulean
And painted a mossy blanket
laced with emeralds
lined with ferns
broad, firm strokes
And his trembling abated.

But all of the sudden, everything felt
too bright
And all around him, scintillating
why was the world so glaringly light?
so he painted and painted
Layering color after color
hue on top hue
brushes, caresses, splashes, strokes
Until he created one 
he didn't have yet.
Finally completely content,
he fell asleep
in a sea of shadows
an inky whirlpool
an endless night
of his own creation

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