teal embrace

by - April 14, 2020

I imagine
a world that accepts all
and takes anyone into
its teal embrace,
where everyone has a place
they can call home,
everyone is equal,
on the same level
in the same house,
ctrl c and ctrl v,
with a working toilet
that flushes,
a sink 
that doesn't leak,
a kitchen
where the stove's
not a fire hazard,
a bed and a couch -
let's throw in a TV -
and for the most part,
your house 
is what you make of it
and you aren't afraid to go up
to that neighbor whose garden
is the envy of the neighborhood,
fruits of labor
from many months
of kneeling in the dirt.
You will say, "Howdy."
She will say, "Good day."
And as you ease into
simple conversation,
all in the world
will be as it should.

But of course
it is only
a simple daydream
of a girl
stuck at home
staring out a window

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